Thursday, February 26, 2009

Climbing Soldier Summit.2

Heading West

I think I need to take some time off to get some decent photos. Snapshot you can get while doing 75mph. But, good photos have to be hunted. Nothing good comes easy.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Waiting Game

From now on - the photos I post to my micro-blogs “with” will be re-blogged from HKB PhotoBlog. Otherwise they will be individually posted to each micro-blog.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

PhotoBlog Update

The "Blogger" version of my new blog, "HKB PhotoBlog" ( is almost competed. I have installed a banner for the header. I have imported all blog post from the old "Photography by Keith Birmingham". And, I have place most of the link, html code and that stuff into the proper places. Well, I may move that stuff around a little. But, I think it is ready to go.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Getting Things Right

Trouble Has Arrived!
My new URL for my studio site is now ( active. This blog, "HKB PhotoBlog", is actually a re-vamping of "Photography by Keith Birmingham", my former photoblog. The old blog will soon be deleted. I still have to move some things from there to here. Now, in a month or so, this address will change to: "", and soon after that (a month or so) I will place my portfolio blog (HKB Photo) back on the web. And, soon after that, I will place "HKB Photo Stock" on the web. Everything will come in it's own time.